Thursday, January 2, 2014

Throw Me Back

This outfit gives off a mixture between circa late 80s and early 90s and I love it. Those are my two favorite fashion decades. Times of oddity and experimentation. I really think adding the creepers is what held together that 80s flare since 1.) they were popular then and 2.) they remind me of the disco and go-go scene.  I also felt a little of Duckie from Pretty in Pink come out in the outfit with the hat and sunglasses. Of course, I had to give it some of my witchy flavor to really make it my style. 

Hat - Vintage
Sunglasses - F21
Shirt - H&M
Sweater - Vintage
Bag - Vintage
Pants - H&M
Shoes - T.U.K. Creepers

1 comment:

  1. I'm fond of this outfit, the vibe is just great.
